Review: We-Vibe Rave

We-Vibe Rave

Review: We-Vibe Rave

Is it just me or does the We-Vibe Rave’s 7-inch, silicone-covered length, compounded by its somewhat angular-shape and corresponding sharp-edged seams look…what’s the word I’m searching for, here? Hmm…I don’t know… unnerving, or perhaps, slightly intimidating.

Let’s quickly flashback to the moments leading up to me trying the Rave for the first time.

I distinctly recall holding the Rave in my hand and feeling more than a tad apprehensive about this vibrator’s solid, unyielding nature, and its formidable appearing angles. I remember anxiously trying to envision how they might translate when introduced to my tender flesh.

As it turns out, with the help of a generous application of water-based lube, those harsh looking angles did not create any discomfort or pain, at all. (Sort of like a sixth-grade bully, they only looked threatening.)

Twist & Shout

Quite to the contrary, I found myself savoring the fashion in which the angular-shaped Rave twists, and turns as I thrust it in and out, and back and forth. And since then, I’ve noticed my body quite regularly craves the delightful snowballing tension created by the Rave’s contorted, silicone-coated expanse roaring past and jarring my G-spot to life.

We-Vibe Rave

But, as much as I love using the Rave internally, there have been a few instances that I’ve become so completely enthralled with the Rave’s rumbly motor and its impressive external capabilities that I quite earnestly forgot that I could insert the damn thing!

And without fail, nearly every single time, this extraordinary realization strikes me with the same gleeful, lightning bolt force. And not coincidently, it always seems to happen right before I greedily slide the toy home to its final destination. Which shortly thereafter, I’m apt to find myself shivering with satisfaction, lying limp in a puddle, entirely spent. As is customary when the Rave has so effortlessly worked its magic.

When I Dip, You Dip, We Dip

When I do partake of the Rave’s internal prowess, I tend to employ the “dipping method.” Or, in other words, those times when you’re at work rubbing a toy back and forth against your clit, gingerly threading it between your labia. When suddenly you’re struck by the primal urge to thrust. So you instinctually slide the toy you’re using into your vag a few times and back out, rinse and repeat, until you finally reach climax.

The We-Vibe Rave is my favored vibrator for this particular method. And if you haven’t already, I highly advise you to give it a try.

Reach Out & Touch Someone

Although this particular feature is not much more than an afterthought for me, I have great news for those of you who are actively exploring their options for reliable app-controlled toys.

We-Vibe Rave

From what I’ve observed, the We-Connect™️ app syncs up to the Rave effortlessly, and it remains reliably linked. I’m genuinely impressed by its stable connection.

As for me, I’ve yet to encounter a practical, real-world scenario to use all these new-fangled app-controlled toys. Still, I do recognize they have a compelling use for those who’re involved in long-distance romances or online hook-ups.

In the meantime, I will continue with using the analog controls, handily placed right on the toy, for all my solo sessions. To prevent my accidentally lubing up my expensive smartphone’s screen with my mid-wank, lube slicked hands.

Whoops, We-Vibe Did It Again!

As a die-hard external vibe fan, I’m naturally astounded by just how much I dig this insertable G-spot vibrator and its strangely off-kilter silhouette. Though I should have guessed that We-Vibe, of all brands, (the creators of my ride or die vibe, the Tango,) would be the label to produce the one G-spot vibrator I continuously find myself reaching for.

We-Vibe has quite the knack for designing instant classics. Toys that could easily be classified as “living legends” in the world of sex toys. Ones including the likes of the (sadly discontinued) Salsa, the Tango, and another of my all-time favorites, the Touch.

We-Vibe Rave

And, it certainly looks like they did it again. The Rave squares up nicely beside We-Vibe’s famous line of world-renowned favorites. I’m left with only minor complaints. The first being that this toy is not fully waterproof, and second I find the embossed buttons are difficult to decipher via touch alone.

However, as I said, these criticisms are very minor, bordering on nit-picky. All in all, if you’re looking for a powerful toy that has the versatility to be used either internally or externally, this is a good option.

Rave, is a fitting name for We-Vibe’s chunky, angular G-spot vibrator. I’m usually not one to go on an on about internal vibrators, but this vibrator has both, me and my G-Spot, gushing.

After experiencing the Rave I’ve started to think that maybe I have not been giving insertable vibrators the attention and credit they deserve. That’s something I plan to work on from here on out.

Get your own We-Vibe Rave

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