Review: Fun Factory Volta

Fun FactoryVolta

Review: Fun Factory Volta

For those of you who secretly doubt that you could ever find harmony with the Volta’s bizarre-looking design, I appreciate and identify with your ambivalence. I don’t think anyone would dare try to argue that the Fun Factory Volta isn’t an awkward-looking little fella? What, with its upturned beak, (or is that a bill?) molded in such a way, that it will remain forever frozen slightly agape.

However, I honestly think if you give it a try, you might just love it. Particularly those of you are into ultra-pinpoint stimulation like I am.

It’s already well established that the Volta’s silhouette is an unusual one, and that’s to say the very least. One that I don’t believe we’ve ever seen before. Which speaks to Fun Factory’s ability to think miles outside of the box.

Correct me if I’m wrong, here, but the closest toy I can liken it to is the G-Vibe². And that’s like comparing apples to oranges. Since the Volta is not entirely split in two, or not all the way down the middle. Only the tips of the Volta are separated, or right around the first 1.5-inches.Fun Factory Volta Orange

And as strange as this vibrator’s floppy, appendages may seem, I know that I’m in for a truly exhilarating session every time I press them against my genitals. Those funky looking tips have become my latest and sweetest indulgence.

I don’t think I’ll ever be tired of feeling them flickering in tandem, one across from the other. All while my tiny clit, sandwiched in between, is deliciously volleyed back and forth.

Meanwhile, my eyes are rolling into the back my head, and way further down south, my toes are curling.

Yeah, it’s that good.

Seriously, people, every time I think about using the Volta, I feel a big goofy smile start to spread across my face. The thought of using it makes me want to dance and twirl and sing from the mountaintops. Sort of like that iconic scene in The Sound of Music.

I’ve officially reached new heights of adoration with this toy. The Volta just gets me and is perfectly suited to my desires.

You may have already seen the video, Fun Factory, posted on social media, a while back.

Perhaps, when you saw it, you even closed your eyes for a moment to ponder how those tips would feel pressed against your most intimate and sensitive areas and found it hard to imagine. I know I did! Would the Volta turn out to be a snoozefest? To me, it seemed likely.

Well, you need to wonder no more, they feel ah-fucking-mazing!

I honestly haven’t been this excited about a toy since the release of the Stronic G. Now, isn’t that something? It’s almost like Fun Factory is on a roll or something.

Like I said, I was completely baffled and simultaneously intrigued by the Volta’s signature tips. Prior to I trying it, I just couldn’t figure how the tips would be capable of transferring enough energy for me to orgasm. I’d presumed the wispy tips of the Volta’s would be far too gentle and feel far too subdued for me and my unrefined tastes. I had oh-so-wrongly presumed they’d be thinner, and floppier, and produce a feather-like sort of tickle.

I could only try to approximate and let me tell ya, I failed miserably.

Fun Factory Volta Orange

Turns out, my expectations were off way base. I had mistakenly gauged the quivering tips as delicate, flimsy, and lacking in real substance. I’d already mentally prepared for a subtler (duller) form of stimulation and the real possibility that I’d detest the mundane masturbation sessions I’d be in for during my test runs with the Volta.

I’d fully braced myself for a sort of stimulation that would surely be too light and indirect to be found suitable for my unnuanced methods of masturbation. Ya may know it? It’s the smash a vibe extra-hard against your clit method. Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.

What I hadn’t considered or known about, was the brute strength of the Volta’s motor. Nor had I comprehended that the silicone would act as a reinforcement. Granting the tips with substance and a weightiness, which could easily and more than adequately transfer the motor’s rumbly vibrations to my clit.

I was right about one thing, though. The Volta can at times require a light-handed approach, and always requires a liberal application of lube. Sort of like another one of my favorites, the Adrien Lastic Caress. You can’t really press down with abundant force when using the tips of the Volta’s motor. Getting the full effect of the tips requires a little more finesse than that.

Finesse! Huh me? Who am I?
Fun Factory Volta Orange

This is so out of character for me, I customarily prefer, and tend to inflict, a looot of rough, direct pressure on my clit while masturbating. In extended sessions, I’ve even left it tender and bruised. Thanks to this heavy-handed approach.

That’s me, I prefer to cut to the chase, get right down to the nitty-gritty, and to forego the sugar-coating. At least in regards to my method of masturbation and in writing my sex toy reviews. I know it seems counterintuitive to think that I’d like a lighter-handed approach, but in the circumstance of the Volta turns out I do.

Oh, wow! I can’t believe that I almost forgot to mention that the flickering movements of the tips feel suspiciously like a mechanized rendition of oral sex. Even though I’ve accepted that nothing can ever truly mimic the real thing. The Volta is assuredly a satisfactory substitute in a pinch. At least, it is in my opinion. What, with a little lube and your eyes tightly closed shut, it pulls simulated oral off quite nicely.
Fun Factory Volta Orange

So for those who revel in hyper-pinpoint clitoral stimulation, it is official: It’s our time to shine, baby! Rejoice in it, own it! The Volta was tailor-made with us in mind.

With the Volta, you can navigate your genitals with GPS precision now. You can easily hone in on either the left or the right side of your clitoris. Depending on which is your dominant side. The Volta is capable of delivering pinpoint stimulation, like no other toy I’ve tried. While it fully exploits and uses the power supplied by the powerful motor that Fun Factory equipped it with.

If, however, you are extremely sensitive, i.e, can’t abide super-targeted toys, or if you are a wand person, that prefers a subtle, diffused sort of stimulation, I suggest you stay clear of the Volta. It’s not likely going to be your cup of tea. Honestly, those of you who prefer a broad, diffused type of stimulation, you’re not likely to have the same warm and fuzzy feeling I have about the Volta.

So it looks like Fun Factory did it again!

You know, I was reasonably confident in my belief that Fun Factory couldn’t possibly top their personal best of the year.Fun Factory Volta Neon Orange Otherwise known as the magnificent new auto-thrusting toy, the Stronic G, and the pinnacle of my review year thus far. Come on now. I mean, I figured how could they possibly top that crowning jewel of achievement, and so soon after? The way I saw it, they couldn’t. Or, at least, not for the rest of 2018. Well, it looks like their introduction of the Volta has officially proven me wrong.

I don’t want to accuse them of grandstanding, but I’m beginning to wonder. Hmmm….?

Get your Fun Factory Volta



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