**Editors note: Unfortunately this vibrator has been discontinued. Nu Sensuelle, the parent company of the now-defunct SXOhh brand, has a suitable stand-in, the Nu Sensuelle Bobbii, which will be linked throughout the review in place of the 60SX.

Not going to lie, and I’m not going to sugarcoat it. I’m none too fond of the direction SXOhh has opted to take in the marketing of their new vibrator, the 60SX. But, I suppose nothing is standing in the way of me enjoying a toy and also being disappointed by the branding choices of said toy.

Consider yourself, forwarned. The fact of the matter is the language SXOhh chose to help sell the 60SX has the very real potential to come off as alienating to some folks. And that’s me being polite as I can be about their “dudebro-on-Tinder” sounding promises of “Ecstasy in sixty seconds.”

But let’s try not to be too rash. Please, stay with me, here. I genuinely believe if you can overlook SXOhh’s poor choices in the marketing of the 60SX, that you’ll likely be in for a pleasant surprise. You’ve just got to trust me on this one.

Most of you probably hadn’t heard about the 60SX until very recently. When it first started making the rounds on social media. That’s because it’s the first toy from a new offshoot of the familiar brand, NuSensulle, named SXOhh.

SXOhh 60SX bullet vibrator

As you know, bullet vibrators are sort of known to be my jam. Since my initiation into sex blogging, smaller vibrators have and likely always will, remain as permanent tenants in the top drawer of my nightstand. I prefer them in part for their unexpected twist of power paired with petiteness. But, not only for that but, also, because they offer me some of the most reliable options available for quickly sating my lust for powerful, ultra-pinpoint external stimulation. They get the job done quickly and efficiently, enough said.

I’ve always been of the mindset that the more power, the better. So when an e-mail showed up in my inbox inviting to review the 60SX, how could I risk turning it down? Especially given that it might have been my only chance to put the extreme claims made by SXOhh about the 60SX’s power to the test.

So when the 60SX finally arrived, it was time for this toy to put up or shut up.

Truth be told, I didn’t know what to expect from the 60SX. I had subconsciously begun associating its over-the-top advertising approach to those egotistical dude-bros we’ve all had the misfortune of meeting on online dating sites. Surely you’ve come across one yourself and recognize the egotistical prattling on of promises they couldn’t possibly keep. I’ve personally, encountered far too many for my liking.

So, right up until the moment, I switched the 60SX on for the first time I kept thinking to myself, “All the bluster in the world can’t mask a weak, buzzy, itch-inducing motor. So good luck with that tactic!”SXOhh 60SX bullet vibrator

But. Oh. Em. Gee! The second this little 5-inch wonder surged to life, and I touched it against my genitals all of my doubts flew straight out the window. In fact, before I even was fully cognizant of what was happening, I was having a swift and wholly gratifying orgasm. I mean I didn’t have a stopwatch or anything, but I started to understand the meaning behind SXOhh’s marketing choices a little better. Although, that doesn’t say I still don’t disagree with how exclusionary they are.

This was the point where I also began to wonder if the 60SX’s cartoon space rocket-shape wasn’t itself a sly little nod to the power this small silicone-coated toy hides within it. Believe me! This toy is not for the faint of heart. It emits some powerful, rumbly vibrations, ones on par, or maybe even slightly stronger than the robust vibrations of the world-renowned We-Vibe Tango and Blush Novelties Nocturnal Bullet. And it’s most assuredly is an upgrade to the Nu Sensuelle Point Plus, which, I must say, ain’t no chump itself.

What surprised me the most, is that the outer layer of platinum-cured silicone doesn’t overly insulate the 60SX’s motor and result in the stifling of the majority of the motor’s strength. You know, like you’ll see happening a lot of times with heavily coated toys. Take, for example, the We-Vibe Touch, the Fun Factory Laya II, and the FemmeFunn Bougie Bullet which are just a few that come to mind. From what I can tell, the 60SX’s motor has no problem piercing through the silicone layer, and I’m thrilled that’s the case.SXOhh 60SX bullet vibrator

This toy, plainly put, is a powerhouse. Its pointy tip is an excellent choice for those who need powerful pinpoint external vibrations to reach orgasm. Every one of its 13 uniquely named patterns and all 7 of its steady speeds exhibit, the same level of power. And I am always thankful for the inclusion of dual control buttons. Which makes it super duper easy to shift through the settings without becoming lost and frustrated, and finally giving up.

2018 might very well be remembered as the year of the bullet vibrator. We saw it across the board, brands upping their bullet vibe games.

To prove my prove my point. Up until very recently, not a single bullet vibrator I’d tried came anywhere remotely near to matching my beloved Tango’s impressive levels of strength. But in the stretch of the last six months alone, I’ve uncovered at least three rivals to what I once considered to be the Tango’s unsurpassable levels of power. If you haven’t guessed it already, the 60SX is one among that very three.

All I can keep thinking is this is only SXOhh’s first offering to us. It’s pretty clear that they understand what we Power Fiends mean when we say we want powerful, rumbly, vibrations. (And there’s still plenty of time to revamp some of their branding choices.) So, I don’t know about you, but I will be waiting on the edge of my seat to see what they come up with next. If the 60SX is any sign of what’s to come I think we’re in for some real treats. Do you know what I say? I say bring it on, baby!

**Editors note: Unfortunately this vibrator has been discontinued. Nu Sensuelle, the parent company of the now-defunct SXOhh brand, has a suitable stand-in, the Nu Sensuelle Bobbii, which will be linked throughout the review in place of the 60SX.

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