Tag: silicone heads

Okay, I have to make a quick confession. The Noje W3 is one of the rare instances where the size of a toy took me by complete and utter surprise. This was in large part, due to a (slightly-embarrassing) oversight of mine. My failure to read the product guide in its entirety. Whoops!

Another factor, which led to my severe misjudgment of the Noje W3’s size and scale, stems from my (wrongheaded,

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When Metis Black, the founder of Tantus, decides to create a vibrator, people in the sex toy world tend to sit up and take notice. That includes me. When I first learned Tantus was moving forward with plans to create a universally accessible wand, I was thrilled. I rushed over to the Indiegogo Campaign page and breathlessly watched a video of Metis Black along with a whole host of sexual education personalities discussing their ideas of what a “vibrator designed for everybody”

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