I haven’t run across a bullet vibrator yet, that I wasn’t, at least, somewhat curious about trying. Besides, of course, that generic species of lame-old watch-battery bullets. (FYI: If you’ve tried one of those, you’ve tried them all. And if you haven’t tried one yet, trust me, you’re not missing out on anything.) I’m not […]
Review: Blush Novelties Nocturnal Bullet
I’m always down to try the newest ones. YouTube Beauty Gurus are forever on the hunt for the next big one. And the online makeup world is replete with endless “Top Ten Lists” of them. What am I referring to, you ask? Dupes, of course! For those unfamiliar with this newly coined terminology, “dupe” is […]
Review: Blush Novelties Avant D1
Up until the release of Blush Novelties new Avant series, I would not have dreamt of purchasing a vivid, multi-colored dildo with razor-sharp stripes for under $60. These are what I’ve always thought of as top-shelf toys, and the Mom & Pop Artisan companies who are willing to sacrifice the blood, sweat, and tears that goes […]
Review: VēDO GEE Slim ⏤ “A VēDO or A VēDOn’t?”
Dull, bland, uninspiring, humdrum….shall I continue? No, really, I could go on, and on. About how much of a dud the VēDO GEE Slim G-Spot vibrator turned out to be. This review contains no mentions of grand orgasmic fireworks. Because there were none or maybe, better I said, I had none. Nope, any hint, even the slightest whisper […]
Summertime Fun Giveaway!!!
Last month I celebrated my first blogiversary by hosting a We-Vibe Tango giveaway. The only problem; entries were limited to the United States only. Having to leave out all my readers from around the globe just didn’t sit well with me. So Thankfully, I have the chance to rectify that problem. And all because of the generosity […]
B Swish Bthrilled Classic Wand
I don’t know why it took so long for me to learn my lesson. The one where I concede that I can’t just look at a sex toy and know if I’m going to like it. (Hey, you have to admit, it would be a cool superpower, though.) The cold hard truth is starting to sink in. It […]
Review: Cal Exotics Embrace G-Tickler
I’ve heard all the unfavorable sentiments surrounding dual stimulation or “rabbit style” vibrators. The most common criticism being, how they rarely work with every body’s unique anatomy. Yet, I find myself choosing my sex toys like I choose my partners. Meaning, I’d never allowed a bit of a bad reputation to scare me off. For […]
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