Frankly, I am amazed by Blush Novelties uncanny knack for remaining at the forefront of supplying sex toy enthusiasts with the body-safe toys we clamor to have. Toys that we’re legitimately proud to own. Yet, what I find even more astonishing, is what I consider to be Blush’s, almost supernatural ability, to manufacture these trendy […]
Review: Blush Novelties Nocturnal Bullet
I’m always down to try the newest ones. YouTube Beauty Gurus are forever on the hunt for the next big one. And the online makeup world is replete with endless “Top Ten Lists” of them. What am I referring to, you ask? Dupes, of course! For those unfamiliar with this newly coined terminology, “dupe” is […]
Review・Blush Novelties・Avant Pride P3
Earlier this spring, the Blush Novelties Avant Pride line took the internet and sex blogging community by storm. Not long after the first campaign images hit Twitter and Instagram, excitement began to mount about this impressive new line of toys. A spin-off of Blush’s trendy new OG Avant line, created expressly to commemorate and celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride. […]
Review: Blush Novelties Avant D1
Up until the release of Blush Novelties new Avant series, I would not have dreamt of purchasing a vivid, multi-colored dildo with razor-sharp stripes for under $60. These are what I’ve always thought of as top-shelf toys, and the Mom & Pop Artisan companies who are willing to sacrifice the blood, sweat, and tears that goes […]
Review | Blush Novelties – Noje W3
Okay, I have to make a quick confession. The Noje W3 is one of the rare instances where the size of a toy took me by complete and utter surprise. This was in large part, due to a (slightly-embarrassing) oversight of mine. My failure to read the product guide in its entirety. Whoops! Another factor, […]
Blush Novelties Hop Trix
In the wacky world of sex toy blogging, we as bloggers, sometimes take for granted the easy access that we have to the most expensive toy lines out there. In doing so, we overlook the challenges our peeps living on a shoe-string budget have to deal with on the regular. In other words, college students, […]
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