We’ve officially closed the door on 2018, and I’m left feeling a combination of sweet relief, and bone-deep weariness. Sort of the way you feel after particularly annoying and emotionally draining guests have overstayed their welcome in your home. After the ball dropped, I figuratively leaned my back against the door marked 2018, and slid all the way down to the floor, then finally breathed a deep sigh of relief. Still too fearful to peer out the peephole to make sure,
Imagine this. Two worlds you’ve struggled hard to keep separate are in route for a collision.
That’s s right, two neatly compartmentalized segments of my life, the online sex blogger, signified as a simple 2D cartoon avatar, and the real-world, 3D flesh and blood human that it represents were irrevocably set on a course to unite into one single entity.
Would it turn into an ELE? For those scratching your head,
Just the other day, my sister and I were discussing our fatness. You know that thing, that “dreadful” thing that children at the tender age of five, have already come to understand is more horrifying to be categorized as being than to face the proposition of unexpectedly losing a limb. Sadly, during our conversation I realized, my Sis and I, now hold fundamentally differing views of what this means.
Some recent trips down memory lane, have served to remind me that parents bear a huge responsibly to their children. In helping them grow into sexually functioning adults. People who can go out into society and feel at ease with their bodies and how they work. Women who are not satisfied with merely pantomiming pleasure, but demand the real thing. Adults who understand that no, means no.
Sadly though, sexuality and sexual pleasure,
My childhood was a little peculiar, I was raised by my widowed Grandmother, who was already sixty years old by the time I was born. Even though my parents lived next door and I often saw them. Grandma took on the majority of the child-rearing responsibilities of my older sister and me.
The rare times my Grandmother dared broach the topic of sex, was only to warn us not to get knocked up. Although, I do remember another occasion when she told us about my Grandfather returning from WWII with a newly discovered penchant for oral sex.
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