Tag: aaa batteries

A day late and a dollar short, it’s become a personal mantra of sorts. One that was bestowed upon me through no cause or fault of my own. Over the years I’ve learned to accept my fate and counter it by giving it a positive spin: “Better late than never!”

Yep, I’m a little late to the game. These “air pulsing toys” have been around since mid to late 2015. Starting with the début of the original Womanizer.

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I don’t know why it took so long for me to learn my lesson. The one where I concede that I can’t just look at a sex toy and know if I’m going to like it. (Hey, you have to admit, it would be a cool superpower, though.) The cold hard truth is starting to sink in. It only took me completely underestimating the strength of the We-Vibe Tango, and then having my high expectations for both,

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